Antifragile Algorithm

Temples, standing as silent witnesses to time, embodying architectural resilience etched in sacred stones.

Keynote Speaker

Crispin Branfoot (United Kingdom)

Senior Lecturer in South Asian Art and Archaeology at SOAS

Reader in the History of South Asian Art & Archeology

Naman Ahuja (India)

Art Historian

Professor of art history at the School of Arts & Aesthetics at JNU.


Fractal Phenomenal: Architecture Styles


School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal

Department of History, Delhi University

Founder Principal, SPACE ACE

Unravelling the Threads of Indian Heritage: Tracing the Influence of Architecture on Textile Design   (Presented by UNESCO)

Textile Expert


Fashion & Textile Expert


Temple styles of India

Research publication outlines styles of Temple Architecture - Nagara, Vesara, Dravida & independent

Research team: Professor Kailasa Rao, Director, School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal and India Culture Portal

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